Alex Kim

B.F.A. in Industrial Design;
               Interaction Design Minor
               Magna Cum Laude
Savannah College of Art and Design - Savannah, GA; Class of 2008


Information Architect
Razorfish - Atlanta, GA
November 2011 - Present
-Information Architecture
-User Experience Design
-Design Strategy
-Interaction Design

Contract UX Strategist
User Insight - Atlanta, GA
October 2011 - November 2011
-Contextual Research
-Research Synthesis
-Experience Strategy

Matter. - Atlanta, GA
September 2008 - September 2011
-Interaction / UX Design
-System Design
-Design Strategy
-Design Research
-Information Architecture

Design Director
CHI 2010 - Atlanta, GA
February 2009 - April 2010
-Visual Design
-Creative Direction
-Design Implementation
-Design Management

Industrial Design Intern
Kids II - Alpharetta, GA
June 2007 - August 2007
-Computer Modeling

Sponsored Student Project
JCB - Savannah, GA
September 2007 - November 2007
-3D Modeling

Student Volunteer - Design Committee
CHI 2009 - Boston, MA
CHI 2008 - Florence, Italy
September 2006 - April 2009
-Visual Design
-Design Implementation

Design Consultant with The StatDoctor
MedSolutions Inc. - Franklin, TN
October 2007 - June 2008
-Workflow Design
-Contextual Research
-System Design

Interaction Designer
TheStatDoctor - Savannah, GA
August 2006 - March 2008
-Interface Design
-Usability Testing
-Contextual Research

Skills and Knowledge
Industrial Design
Marker Rendering
Model Making
Formal Presentation
Design Research
Human Factors
Alias StudioTools
Adobe Creative Suites
Interaction Design
Design Strategy
System Design
Human Computer Interaction
Information Architecture
Usability Testing
Contextual Research
User Centered Design

Awards and Recognition
Academic Scholarship - SCAD, 2004 - 2008
DeanŐs List - SCAD, 2004 - 2007
Top 10% of Class - Monacan High School, 2004

*References Available Upon Request


ResumeLow-Res Portfolio(7.8MB)CoroflotContact